Scott McBain, Fluvial Geomorphologist, McBain & Associates/Applied River Sciences, Consultant to Hoopa Valley Tribe Fisheries Department

Scott McBain is a fluvial geomorphologist at McBain Associates and has been a consultant for the Hoopa Valley Tribe Fisheries Department since 1989. He was one of many authors of the Trinity River Flow Evaluation Study, with his focus on the high flow and sediment management components. His discussion will focus on the evolution of the coarse sediment management strategy described in the Flow Study and ROD, and potential future coarse sediment management strategy considerations.
2024 Science Symposium Presentation
Background of sediment management as recommended in the Trinity River Flow Evaluation Study, and considerations for future coarse sediment management.
Day 3 of the Trinity River Restoration Program Science Symposium covered Physical Channel Form. Listen in as Scott McBain, Fluvial Geomorphologist, McBain & Associates/Applied River Sciences, Consultant to Hoopa Valley Tribe Fisheries Department gives his presentation titled, “Background of sediment management as recommended in the Trinity River Flow Evaluation Study, and considerations for future coarse sediment management.“