Riparian vegetation, large woody debris, and a variety of wildlife are important components of functioning river ecosystems. Vegetation and wood affect hydrology and geomorphology, as well as provide habitat for fish and wildlife. Wildlife also interact with fisheries as predators and as prey.

Beavers, Foothill yellow-legged frogs, and Western Pond turtles are all found along the Trinity River
The Riparian and Aquatic Ecology Work Group is one of several TRRP work groups focused on a particular scientific discipline, or set of related disciplines. Work groups meet at least four times per year to coordinate investigations within their discipline and to address questions directed to them. The Riparian and Aquatic Ecology Work Group Objectives:
- Develop science-based management recommendations for the TRRP
- Address priority technical uncertainties and information needs
- Coordinate with other work groups and contribute towards synthesis and integration of Program science information through participation in the Interdisciplinary Team (IDT)
- Provide a forum to objectively discuss competing hypotheses
- Develop and implement experiments that will address or resolve competing hypotheses
Young Western Pond Turtle during the 2017 spring salmon / summer steelhead surveys, South Fork Trinity River.