Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)


2006-09-20 07:00:00
2006-09-21 07:00:00



Point of Contact:


Draft Agenda:

  • Agenda

    Trinity Management Council, Meeting Agenda, September 20-21, 2006, Hoopa Wildland Fire Facility, Hoopa, CA

    Published: -
    Added: 2011-03-03 12:56:30
    Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.

Meeting Summary:

  • Minutes

    Trinity Management Council, Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2006, Hoopa Wildland Fire Facility, Hoopa, CA

    Published: -
    Added: 2011-03-07 17:47:20
    Updated: 2011-10-18 16:50:12.


Stokely moved to go with Brian's modified proposal: Zero out habitat design review, fry density, LWD mapping, scour model, and water temperature equipment. Then reallocated those funds for RST by increasing the amount by $100k to bring the amount to $500k, and increase watershed funding by $130k to bring the amount to $330k; this would reflect total reallocation change of $230k. Brock made a second to the motion.
Motion PASSED 6 / 1 / 0
Anderson moved the following: In order to finish the first 24 RIG projects by Sep 2009, the program would need to budget for the FY07 PB at $1.58 million for implementation of mainstem projects and an additional estimated $3.075M for FY08 for a total of $4.655M to stay on schedule. It would be assumed that the program budget would be $14.425 million in FY08. In order to get ahead of the balloon payment, the program would need $1.575 million in FY08 to buy down the bow wave. Stokely made a second to the motion.
Motion status: other 5 / 2 / 0

Orcutt moved to modify the TRRP hybrid as outlined above under PB+$1M, as represented, with an addition of $60k to RST. 9 items would be changed. Lagomarsino seconded the motion. Anderson: I would support the motion if the PB+2M if the second million were specifically designated for the RIG to reduce the bow wave. Lagomarsino asked Orcutt if he would amend the motion as stated by Anderson. Orcutt accepted the friendly amendment. Irma accepted the second, which included placing RST between priorities #3 and #4.
Motion PASSED 0 / 0 / 0

Stokely moved to use the ROD defined hydrograph flows for the 2007 water year. Lagomarsino made the second to the motion with a friendly amendment that the program would reconsider the use of those flows if extraordinary circumstances arise. Stokely accepted the friendly amendment.
Motion status: other 4 / 1 / 1

First Posted: 2011-07-03 16:47:20

Post Updated: 2013-08-27 19:35:38