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ID: 1377

TRRP (Trinity River Restoration Program). 2012. Trinity River Restoration Program Performance Measure: Distribution of Natural-Origin Chinook Salmon Spawners. Performance Measure Report. TRRP, Weaverville, California. Available:

This performance measure report provides a concise assessment of Trinity River conditions relative to the hypothesis below. Hypothesis: Re-initiation of channel-forming processes in the Trinity River will change the distribution of salmon habitat. The distribution of natural origin spawners will respond to (a) physical changes in the river that influence the distribution of suitable spawning habitat, and (b) changes in rearing habitat that spatially influence the distribution of “successful” redds (those that produce fish that survive to adulthood).

First Posted: 2012-02-07 10:08:32

Post Updated: 2015-08-20 03:59:08